Biodiversity is essential to keep up the life as we know it. To prevent the demise of biodiversity, the United Nations have launched a "Decade on Biodiversity" from 2011 until 2020. In Germany, every week a project is awarded, which works in an exemplary manner on the conservation, sustainable use or communication of biodiversity.
In summer 2017 we headed out to Leipzig and the Siebengebirge to shoot two films on the focus topics „nature for all" and „healthy - with the diversity of nature“.
Both videos were each filmed on one production day. They should engage people to get involved with helping to keep up biodiversity. The content was published mainly on social media channels.

CLIENT // Geschäftsstelle UN Dekade Biologische Vielfalt
AGENCY // intention Werbeagentur
PRODUCTION // Natural Born Explorers
DOP // Marcus Gloger
YEAR // 2017